Monday, February 23, 2009

Give me my Larabar!

Okay, so I had one of the worst dreams I've ever had last night! I was in gym class, and my stupid teacher was making us do math equations in class. It was ridiculous- we were in our gym uniforms and all and he was making us do math worksheets! So I decided to be rebellious and not do my math equation. I was putting my (apple pie, favorite!) Larabar up to my mouth to eat it and my gym teacher swooped out of nowhere and took it from me! He got really angry and started yelling at how I didn't have any special privileges and had to do double math problems now. It was very realistic, but thank goodness it didn't really happen!

Anyhow. Among other things for brekky I had a bowl of oats topped with applesauce, candied ginger, and a crumbled graham cracker. One of my favorite combos.

No pic of AM snack. Lunch was a chocolate banana PB sammich, cauliflower, a Rachel's yogurt, and a Nature's Path hemp granola bar.
My friends were not accepting of my switch from carrots to cauliflower. One of my idiotic guy friends sniffed it and declared "It smells like vegetables!" Rachel's yogurt is my favorite but I had never tried the pomegranate acai flavor before today. It was very good, but I'm depressed because they discontinued Rachel's at my supermarket to sell stupid freaking coconut milk yogurt. Gr gr gr. And the hemp bar was excellent too, nice and chewy with big chunks of dried fruit!

Before I left for ballet today, I had a string cheese and a minneola, which according to my grandma the botanist, is part of the tangerine family. Then after ballet, I had a Zbar and a string cheese. Yes, that is two string cheesay easays. I need all the protein for maintaining my super strong muscles!

Ballet went okay. I was sort of beating myself up over my appearance but I had to stop because my muscles hurt so badly! I hate ronde de jambe en lair. It seems that every other class I feel okay about my body, and the other classes I hate myself. When does it end?

For dinnah, we made quiche cups again. This time we used more mushrooms and less peppers. On the side, I had the rest of the veggie filling that was leftover and two slices of french bread. I've had a ton of protein today but whatevs. Aw crud I just said whatevs! I have sunk down to the level of an eleven year old, lip gloss-wearing, Hannah Montana-watching teeny bopper.

My grandma the botanist is also a crocheter/knitter. She wrapped a vase she sent my mom for her birthday in a pretty orange shawl-y thing. My mom didn't want it so I claimed it for my own! Yay, orange!
I was attempting to look elegant in this but I look confused and cold because I had just walked home from school. Failure. Ignore the toilet paper roll in the backgroud. And the trashcan.

Today in orchestra in school I was talking with another cellist in my section. We have a weird friendship, we like to torture eachother verbally. It sounds awful and strange but this girl is one of my best friends! Anyway, we were having an argument today, I forget what it was about. But it ended with her saying "HAHA, but then I'll snap your twiggy legs!" See what I mean? I'm used to it though. But her comment really smacked something into perspective. ED tells me that my legs are fat and blobby almost every day. Yet today, one of my best friends who I trust with everything, called them twigs. ED distorted my vision so much that I couldn't see the thing that's clear to every other person. From this I infer that ED is a meanie lying manipulative jerk and should not be trusted at all. So haha, I win.

Also, the stupid word verification thing on Blogger won't let me post comments for a lot of people. If any of you have the type of layout where comments get posted at the bottom of each post and a little window for word verification pops up when you click publish, then I can't comment on your blog. I really really want to though, so hopefully this gets fixed soon! Yesterday I noticed comments from Cortni and Pammy, and I just want to say how much I appreciate your comments. It makes me feel so happy to know that new people have found my blog and enjoy reading it! I can't comment back though until word verification gets fixed.

Now I'm going to go cry because there is no new Gossip Girl tonight. I have to actually do my research now!

Hangry Pants is hosting a granola giveaway. Don't forget to enter!


The Purple Carrot said...

Cute picture!! Even if it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to, I think it's super cute : )

Ha, any dream where you have to do math is a bad one in my book!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that is so cool! My mom knits, but she likes to knit scarfs and blankets. LOL.

And oh wow, that is one scary dream. I dislike math sooo much!

Pamela Alida said...

I knoww... life without Gossip Girl is awesome haha.

I am sorry you had a bad dream :( But its good that it didnt happen- that would be even more awful.

You play the cello? that is awesome. I played for 5 years and I really want to start up again.

Amazing eats today. Have a good night!

Laci said...

Whata wierd dream... I heard dreams don't always have to do with the actual people but they have a deeper meaning, but sounds like yours was pretty literal! Oh you're a lucky ducky (well, smarter socially than many) because you've managed to keep school friends- I don't know if you see them out side of school but either way, it's always nice to have people to sit with at lunch or partner up with in certian clases. That ED severely deprived me of and I H-A-T-E it. Ballet has never been my thing- I think I was made to run but I still partially enjoy my dance class... that girl at cello, funny story, in fact, when I respond o your next E-mail (don't feel bad, I'm drowning in schoolwork too!) I can recall one similar... awww what a pretty knit I need to learn crafting soon, it seems fun, calming and occupying and doesn't include extreme (any) exersize, like ED wants. I know on the blogs, when I try to post a comment it says, "word varification, loading..." and it's SOOO frustrating! Atleast we have the same problem, I hiope this comment works! Hope you have a good Tuesday, Love ya! ;)

ChocolateCoveredVegan said...

I think the pic is cute ;)

math = scary!

Anonymous said...

I'm having that same issue commenting!! Ugh it's annoying!

ANYWAY - I LOVE your bathroom!! So colorful :) Those quiche cups sound so good! Your gym teacher in your dream probably wanted your Lara because they're THAT good!

Jess said...

Urghhh, everyone seems to be having issues with word verification!!! It's getting really annoying. More and more people are saying the same things. Does anyone know how to get it fixed??? Great eats today girlie!! I love Z-bars :)
<3 jess :)

P.S Love your "shawl!"

tinyirishdancer said...

Oh noez! What a terrible dream!
That thar be a nightmare if I ever heard of one. o.O

Ooh. Your sammich looks like AWESOMESAUCE. Morgy = jealous.

And wow! I didn't know you did ballet! That stuff is hard.core.
I used to when I was younger, until I made the switch to Irish dancing.

I got to make more noise that way.

*clomp clomp clomp*

Aw, your shawl looks lovely on you - I don't know what you're talking about! Kiki does not = failure.


<3 ya, girlie! Hope you have a beautiful Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

you play the cello!!!!
i was actually concert mistress in high school ;] I love being on orchestra and I really hope I could find a local orchestra or something so that I could join!!!!

I play the violin btw. it would be really cool if we played duet!

emily. said...

Gah, evil dream! Next time you dream that your evil gym teacher is stealing your larabars, snatch it back!

Eeep, I know what you mean about the leg thing. This kid at school calls me "skeleton" and "corpse" all the time! D: Every time he says it, it's like a slap in the face.

I finally microwaved a banana today! It was so so so delicious. Thanks for the lovely suggestion!

Your eats look yummy, as always.

Have a wonderful rest of the day! <3

Anonymous said...

=P Math is lame! haha

You know what else is lame? NO GOSSIP GIRL!!!

Jenny said...

that dream is too funny! I don't know what i would do if a cruel gym teach stole one of my delish bars! That is a serious no-no.

what a special gift from you grandmother - she is very talented..and you look beautiful :). very elegant!

have a great night kiki..and I feel you with this gossip girl thing - such a bummer!

Erin said...

same hereee with the blogging thing!!
:( grrrr

boys are stupid, throw rocks at them.

cauliflower is yummy!

love ya giiirrll!

Mel said...

haha aww you look so adorable in the shawl!!
such a great realization about the distorted perception ED gives you!! you're doing a great job girlie, just KEEP GOING and it'll get easier :-) much love, have a great night!

cherry_melancholic said...

Cute shawl! I think sometimes these jokes/comments ARE a good thing. They put stuff in perspective, remind us we still ARE skinny and it's kjust ED that says we're not. Your eats are amazing as usual. I've said it before - I wish i was creative in teh kitchen as you;)

Damn your teacher for nickin' your larabar though:P Silly maths ><
That's thekinda dream I would have tbh! lol

maya said...

lovely shall and graet eats. love tjose quiche cups and i had a z bar too today:) love you.

Anonymous said...

adorable pic girlie :) u look so cute! love the orange shawl!
great eats!
and i love how you tell us about your dreams :)
im having trouble commenting too! so i removed the word verification thing from my blog so no one has to do it when commenting on my posts!
have a wonderful night hun
love you

Anonymous said...

love love LOVE string cheese :)
mm and zbar!
sounds delicious.

courtney said...

i love the hemp plus granola bars. but my health food store stopped carrying them. :( i think i was the only one buying them.

cool bathroom.