We got our report cards today. I was very happy to see that I got straight-A's! It surprised me because I got a C on my geometry exam and a B on my biology. And I thought I did awfully on English. I probably ended up with like a 90% in all those classes, but who cares? I really don't know what I'd do if I got anything lower than a B.. I'm still caught up in this anorexic perfection stuff. Now that I can't be perfect by losing weight, I have to be perfect with my grades. Never ends, ah!
Among other things for breakfast, I had apple pie oats! Just applesauce, cinnamon and a crumbled graham cracker.

Lunch was nothing special. As part of my snack, I had a PB Jamfrakas bar. Yeah yeah, I know they're supposedly contaminated. But I didn't get my refund so I might as well eat them! Megan, I shall send you some fresh ones as soon as they get back on shelves. Does anyone know when they're going to start selling them again?

Dinner! I made Cheesy Barley and Corn Bake. This was pretty good, but needed more spices. I didn't have any fresh parsley so I'll try that next time and hopefully it'll help. I like barley a lot more than rice because it gets kind of.. creamy, I guess, when it cooks. And it's very nutritious. So I'll be looking for more recipes that use it!

I made basic pudding from CCV again for my night time snack. This time, I added half a banana and a couple strawberries. Yum! Katie, your puddings are my life! Okay, well not really. But I'd be very sad without your amazing pudding.

We had a sub in Spanish class today so obviously no one did any work! So during that really long 45 minute period, I tried to think of my favorite food and I couldn't come up with one! I have so many foods that I like a lot, and I don't know if I could narrow it down to just one. In the past I would've said lo mein, but I don't like greasy foods like that now. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pretend that you could get all the protein/nutrients/vitamins you needed in a pill, so your food doesn't have to be based on nutrition.
Have fabulous Thursdays!
I am so glad that you told your mom! I hope it all works out well :) Congrats on the grades, but try and not be too hard on yourself. A B or less it NOT the end of the world. I struggle with the grade thing too though...Great foods today, esp. the oatmeal! My favorite food...hmm! That's a toughie! I'll have to think about it.
<3 jess :)
Kiki! I just discovered a NEW way to make pudding, and it's even easier than agar! I'm going to be posting recipes in the next few days (starting with my yogurt post). It's a tofu base. Basically, I have been eatin my weight in chocolate mousse, pumpkin pie pudding, and strawberry yogurt these past few days :o)
hey kiki!
It;s so funny, I've probably said this but I REALLY do hear you voice echoing from the screen! It's like you're making a preasantation to the audiance!
Gook luck with telling your mom about the blog... I told mine but not exactly too specifically, any ways it's really been helping me and I hope same goes for you! And I know what you mean about subs... so boring and all! I'm getting my report card next week, preparing not to frit if it's not as good as I expect... have a nice night hon!
P.S. favorite food... so many, perhaps I'll make a list on my blog!?
ahhhh yayayay! tell me how it went i cannot wait to hear, i'm suree she will be supportive.
can you teasch me how to do those puddings?
what are agar flakes?
i'm a total tard
heheh sorry
Congrats on finally telling your mom and on your stellar report card :)
That barley bake looks so comforting! Yum!
I wish my puddings came out as fabulously as yours!!! Oh and your oatmeal looks amazing too.
I'm so jealous of your PB Jamfrakas! I miss those little guys =(
Hope your mom really understands, nothing could be better than her support. But she might need time so just be patient.
Augh you ate the PB Jamfrakas!! Lol, well I'm sure it was worth it.
I would definitely be satisfied eating fruit for the rest of my life. Yum, yum, yum.
Good job for telling for mom about the blog too. I just thought I'd let you know that I told my mom about my blog and the whole blogging community and she is really supportive of it. She is also happy that I am finding some good support and inspiration for my recovery. I even showed her what I got for my V-Day buddy!
And I wish I could try the pudding but the agar-agar flakes here are like 6 dollars for a small pouch. Boo!
Hope you have a great night.
Yay for telling your mom!! i'm sure she'll understand! And way to go with the straight A's!! i can't pick a favorite food either... i could probably eat any variety of salad for the rest of my life, though, or soup. or trailmixes. or bread. mmmm carrrrbs :-D have a great night!
That is awesome about telling your mom. And love your delicious eats, and great job on the grades Kiki! And I totally know what you mean when there is a substitute teacher - haha, it is a free day in its own.
Apple pie oats! Yummy! Thanks for the suggestion!
Omggg Apple Pie oats look ace, gonna try that tonight ^^
I think if I had to choose a food to live off it would have to be cereal...Possibly All Bran or Bran fLakes...But only if I could mix in stuff and have soy milk with it! Goodluck with your mum
Hope your mom appreciates this blogging community as much as you do! I'm sure you've had a lot of positive effects from here, but YOU positively affected me too with your continuous brave fight against ED!
man, I've GOT to make that pudding sometime.
oh, and if I can only eat one food my entire life...that's a tough one, but I'd say either oatmeal, sweet potatoes, eggs, or pancakes!
Hey hun! Hope your mum is supportive of the blog. At least you are being open about it.
Good job on the grades you little star! Just remember (& I struggle wit this too) that if you were to get a B, thats still awesome! You dont have to be *perfect* in all you do. It doesnt make you less of a wonderful person.
Anyway, hugs x
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